Research and Networking

Art in Conflict – Conference 2015

1 Practitioner Forum Tobias Garcia

Photo: Tobias Garcia

2 Practitioner Forum Tobias Garcia

Photo: Tobias Garcia

3 Practitioner Forum Tobias Garcia

Photo: Tobias Garcia

4 Practitioner Forum Tobias Garcia

Photo: Tobias Garcia

5 Practitioner Forum Tobias Garcia

Photo: Tobias Garcia

6 Practitioner Forum Tobias Garcia

Photo: Tobias Garcia

7 Practitioner Forum Tobias Garcia

Photo: Tobias Garcia

8 Practitioner Forum Tobias Garcia

Photo: Tobias Garcia

From 26. to 28. May 2015 artasfoundation hosted the international conference Art in ConflictA practitioner’s forum on the potential and limitations of art initiatives in processes of social transformation and peace building at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).

Over 90 practitioners, researchers and organisers from 26 countries took part in the conference, which artasfoundation initiated and organised with the support of the SDC and the ZHdK. Art in Conflict creates a space for a well-founded exchange of experiences and self-reflection. Presentations took place in different formats on concrete art projects and through discussions on topics such as art and peace-building or art initiatives in social transformation processes. Experienced experts led work groups on questions of sustainability or on the evaluation of art projects. Artists also presented their own approaches for discussion within the framework of feedback rounds.

The contribution that art can make in processes of peace-building and social transformation was by no means glorified. Rather the aim was to discuss the difficult and self-critical questions for which there is little time during the project work, as well as the positive experiences and productive strategies. The discussion also focused on the understanding between practitioners and members of funding institutions, who often set out with different expectations and self-images.

Conference website with programme

Place and Year
Zurich, 2015

Dagmar Reichert (artasfoundation)

Project Management
Marcel Bleuler (artasfoundation)
Dagmar Reichert (artasfoundation)

Partner Organisations
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) (Alice Thomann and Barbara Aebischer)
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) (David Keller)