Art and Peacebuilding


1 Augustin Rebetez

Photo: Augustin Rebetez

2 Konstantin Gretsoff

Photo: Konstantin Gretsoff

3 Dimitri Procofieff

Photo: Dimitri Procofieff

4 Dagmar Reichert

Photo: Dagmar Reichert

5 Konstantin Gretsoff

Photo: Konstantin Gretsoff

6 Konstantin Gretsoff

Photo: Konstantin Gretsoff

7 Augustin Rebetez

Photo: Augustin Rebetez

8 Dagmar Reichert

Photo: Dagmar Reichert

Two Swiss artists Augustin Rebetez and Dimitri Procofieff, and the curator Marianne Burki, travelled to Sukhum/i from 23 April to 8 May 2016 and presented their work at the SKLAD art space. While Marianne Burki presented current net art projects and led an ideas workshop on art in public space, the two visual artists invited twelve young artists from Gal/i, Sukhum/i and Gudauta to take part in a workshop in Tquarchal/Tquarcheli during the preceding days. Over one week, various working techniques were tested and intensively applied. Video films, sculptures and painted works were also created. The results were so exciting that it was spontaneously decided to show all the works in an exhibition at SKLAD. A success! ‘Davai’, which is Russian for ‘Let’s go!’, is the title, but it also describes the atmosphere during this project, which aspired to give new energy and contacts for young artists in Abkhazia.

Place and Year
Sukhum/i, 2016

Artistic Direction
Augustin Rebetez

Local Coordination
Daria Zavodskaia, Sukhum/i

Project Management
Dagmar Reichert (artasfoundation)

Partner Organisation
SKLAD, Sukhum/i (Asida Butba, Tanja Ergunova)

Financial Contribution
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

¹artasfoundation would like to underline that its use of names and titles particularly in regards to conflict regions should not be understood as implying any form of recognition or non-recognition by the foundation or as having any other political connotation whatsoever.