
The Swiss foundation artasfoundation is responsible for the concept, preparation and conduction of the conference. It thereby was supported by the section Culture and Development of the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC/Swiss FDFA) and the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).


artasfoundation is an independent Swiss foundation for art in regions of conflict, based in Zurich. Established in 2011 and financed by private contributions, artasfoundation initiates its own art projects, accompanies their realisation and investigates how art can support conflict mediation and peacebuilding.


Dagmar Reichert

Project management:
Bithal Remli

Organisational support:
Team of artasfoundation: Anna Fatyanova (preparation), Sandra Frimmel (table presentations), Olivia Jaques (art-program), Sandra Suter (administration)
and many other helping hands: Thank you!

Evan Ruetsch

Media contacts:
Barbara Ellenberger


The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is Switzerland’s international cooperation agency within the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). In operating with other federal offices concerned, SDC is responsible for the overall coordination of development activities and cooperation with Eastern Europe, as well as for the humanitarian aid delivered by the Swiss Confederation.


Géraldine Zeuner
Barbara Aebischer


Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) is a centre for teaching, research, and artistic production. The university offers a broad range of degree programmes and further education courses in education, design, film, art & media, dance, theatre, and music. Committed to bridging higher education, professional practice, and the interests of the wider public, ZHdK showcases the work and achievements of staff and students in their own exhibition spaces, theatres, and various dance and concert halls. Hosting over 600 events each year, they make a significant contribution to cultural life in the city and region of Zurich.


Florence Balthasar
Bettina Ganz
Kristina Jungic

Financial support

The conference is financed by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), artasfoundation, and the City of Zurich.